Joy After the Fire
where grief, despair and loss become the seeds of new growth and joy
Untethered. With Richard gone and my business washed away with the 2008 crisis, I had no foundation. I had long sworn I would never leave California but suddenly I was in Arkansas chasing an old dream, and when that collapsed, I had no where to go back to. When a dear friend suggested I try Colorado, it was a lifeline.
Please feel free to share with anyone else who might need this candle of joy after their own fire.
Segment #6/10: Loneliness
Chapter 6: Cinderella’s Brass Ring (Backstory & 2009)
Interlude 6: Do You Love Me? (2009)
I wrote this memoir for myself … I’m serializing it for you.
Previous Segment Posts:
Segment #1 After the Fire, New Life