Project 2025 in 8 minutes with no drama
A simplified (and calm) illustrated overview of the conservative plan everyone’s talking about
While every political candidate develops a transition strategy/plan, Project 2025 may be a first, as over 100 organizations came together and spent $22 million to outline a plan for dramatically changing government once a new conservative president was elected. The odd thing is that they then published it so that we can understand what they want to do … and decide whether or not that’s what we want as our government.
I think it is important for every citizen voter to understand this document, however the claims and rebuttals about it have reached a rather crazy making fever pitch. In order to simplify the document, I went looking for a short, graphic video that would just lay out the basics. This led me to Dan Zimmerman’s Illustrate to Educate almost-eight-minute video. Dan’s bio statement:
My name is Dan Zimmerman. I am a former elementary school teacher who now works as a software engineer. When I am not working, I enjoy making educational videos and spending time with my cute family.
After watching Dan’s video, I wasn’t sure which side he was coming from and realized that was a good thing. He notes five potential issues with it and asks for comments, although I don’t see any and have to assume that the comments feature was disabled. The video has almost a million views and presents an understandable overview of the structure of the document as non-politically as possible.
It seems like a great introductory video for our journey into understanding this “transition plan.”
Our Comments section is alive and well for polite comments.
DISCLAIMER: Project 2025 is a huge and moving target. Earlier versions ran about 885 pages, now it’s up to 922. Page numbers cited by any article may, or may not, be found because of the constant revision of the document. Therefore, I have decided not to try to verify quotes with page numbers from the document but have rather depended upon the credibility of the author … as determined by me, a somewhat centrist progressive (in my view), or a flaming, snowflake liberal (in some views), or a stodgy, out-of-date boomer in other views). Take your pick.
I know nothing about anything concerning politics in my country or your country and any country for that matter
What makes my skin crawl even more than these two projects themselves is an implicit assumption by the people behind Project 2025 and its secret admin document. By centering so much power into the presidency, they must be counting on eliminating the two-term limitation. Otherwise any election could be a setback for all their hard work.