This post is dedicated to the report of Lawrence O’Donnell on what should be considered legalized murder. There’s no way to bring you just a snippet of this report. Please watch the entire 20 minute video.
"There is no moral diagram of this crime that does not include those names ..."
George W. Bush
Samuel A. Alito, Jr.
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Donald J. Trump, Jr.
Neil M. Gorsuch
Brett M. Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
I’ve watched it and posted it on Threads. He broke down. My comment to the egregious decisions that led to this young woman’s death were that it was a similar situation that the world watched play out in Northern Ireland where a sceptic, pregnant mother slowly died because, at the time, there was no way doctors could legally help her. It wasn’t long after that that they changed the laws so that such would never happen again. Maternal care is health care. I sincerely hope that women and the men who love them turn out in droves to turn out all who helped get us in this mess. It’s just too bad that the damned Supreme Court can’t be charged with every preventable murder that will arise from their god-awful decision.