Time stood still after I signed my first overseas teaching contract. It was a no name school just opening in Cairo and I only had one phone interview, pre Zoom. I had no idea the miracles that lay before me. And then I got really busy preparing to leave the US forever.

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Wow ... that's a lot of decision to make on one phone interview! Truly gutsy and love that it turned out so well.

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Thanks for sharing 'Sweet Peace', and thanks for working in the polls, Joyce! The post reminded me of a time I was attending a huge Latino advocacy conference in Miami. High profile speakers filled the schedule and rallied the attendees to take action on behalf of our under-served population. The group was anxious to break for a fully stocked Happy Hour, but I just wanted to get out of the sterile hotel. Out back, I noticed a shift change for the hotel employees, mostly Latinos, who rushed to a public bus stop. After being assured that the bus would return to the hotel after a long winding route far from Miami beach, I boarded with the rest of the workers. I enjoyed the chatter, sights, and the feel of the working community many times more than the well-meaning, well-groomed conference speakers. I felt at home on that bus and rejuvenated when I returned to the hotel.

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Love this story ... and what a chance to have a different perspective.

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Sweet miracle, yes?

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Doldrums sneak up on us all. The real reason for their presence likes to stay sneaky and hidden--probably because this extends their life. Finding the trigger helps, because NAMING it and shining a light on it makes it wither a bit. Your strategy tips are spot-on and being grateful for all that IS working always helps.

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Becky ... thanks and may your doldrums lose your address.

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Daily gratitude is good medicine for my soul.

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Calling my sister, meeting up with friends, slathering myself with great smelling lotion! Good topic that we need to think about and have a plan that works, or the doldrums can lead to further issues.

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I like these!

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I, too, am in the doldrums and wondering what sailors did in the past when becalmed.

No pressing goals, just lots of health connected chores in front of my face.

Remembering Cheri Huber saying, "If you can't be happy now, what makes you think you can be happier in the future".

Will swimming in our pool do that three weeks from now?. Not if I carry my current perception.

Maybe it's my universal answer to all my problems, acceptance with a touch of gratitude and trim my sails to catch any breath of gratitude.

John M

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Sounds like a plan.

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I know my patterns from watching my life unfold. When I have a doldrum day, I just let it be….so I relax, watch tv, work in my yard. I have found the day following always is great. I know this but am surprised and so grateful with the new day, new energy and my spirit feels alive again. I call it “just a little trick of mojo” to get me to let go and rest!!

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Lovely. Understanding our own patterns is powerful.

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