What's coming to mind is, "I tried"

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Yes, indeed! That would work for so many of us.

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"Today, I begin again."

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Very good one!

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I like that you have decided that one adventure does not have to preclude the other. There is room for both realities. Glad you will be home in time for the election. ❤️

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Thanks ... me, too. Having been glued to the convention for four days, it would be awful to not be home. Hope all is well.

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I understand. I, too, loved the convention.

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Aug 20Liked by Joyce Wycoff

Joyce, when Jacqui and I traveled in France decades ago, a highlight was walking the labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral. The stones are worn unevenly and you can't help but imagine all who have walked the path for centuries before.

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Becky … I love knowing you and Jacqui were there walking the labyrinth. I will think about you both while I’m walking it.

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Aug 18Liked by Joyce Wycoff

Perhaps when you are here, you are already there…

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good point.

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Aug 17Liked by Joyce Wycoff

I can't imagine travelling alone, I would have an anxiety attack and get lose because I have no sense of direction and getting lose is something I find easy to do and I am good at it.

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We could have a contest! I get lost all the time ... I've been known to call Uber just so I can get home. With Uber and my phone GPS, I don't mind being lost so much so I wander at random. ;-)

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Aug 17Liked by Joyce Wycoff

Re France trip contact Susan Goodwin McCarthy in Ajijic. She goes yearly and as of November will be there for a couple of months.

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Thanks, Lannie. Assuming I have the right Susan, I just sent off a message.

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Aug 17Liked by Joyce Wycoff

She is a total Francophile.

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Some travelers occupy their pre-trip days by collecting prescriptions, selecting the perfect walking shoes, or purchasing extra home security devices. Your commitment to walk the labyrinth and remain open to unexpected encounters is refreshing. You are packing wisely.

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Thank you … I hadn’t thought of this as packing.

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Joyce, you must be excited for your upcoming trip. I know you'll capture images that'll capture us!

As for your questions, when I traveled, it was always for the stories. And I preserved the stories and images on my destination blog for the world to travel along with me.

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Stories … of course! And how to preserve them. thank you.

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