Well Joyce, Looks like your story and mine have often rubbed shoulders. Same age too. Never too late for a new horizon, n'est pas ? Peace, Maurice

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Joyce Wycoff

What a story, what a life, writing seems easy but in truth it isn't for most people, there maybe some it comes easy but I don't think it would be like that for most

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Lovely, Joyce. I enjoy learning more about your life and how you ended up here! Very excited for your changes to your newsletter and what you are offering! 💜

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Thank you for sharing your story and experiences. 30 years of apprenticeship really puts my very short time of writing into perspective.

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HCR also brought me here, in a manner of speaking: I have been following her letters for a few years now, and really enjoy starting my day with some very good writing.

Her ability to churn out worthy creative stuff like that every day got my attention, and I've continued to be inspired by her (and other great daily publishers). I write and publish every day now, too.

Substack really is an excellent place to connect and collaborate. I'm impressed.

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