
Thanks so much, Kristi ... one part of the urge to rebrand was to integrate my art and photography more deeply into the process. The banner is from a piece of my art. I've been in Photoshop for many years and may have some competency with about 10% of it.

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Joyce, I LOOOOVE that banner image you made! What did you use to create it?

And all the photography in this post is gorgeous.

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Love the idea of doing it periodically!

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It can be a difficult walk through life, it feels better when the sun is shining on us, as we journey through life we need to see those around us who have fallen and need a hand up and a little kindness to help them through their daily walk of life until we finely reach the end and their is nothing but the warmth of Gods love

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I’m thinking these days about holding pre-death wakes so people can hear all the sentiments from their friends they might never hear otherwise. Only one wake per person and only after retirement, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

People deserve a little kindness and affection before they die and can’t enjoy it.

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Great idea!! A going away party ... how would you know when to schedule it though?... might be anti-climatic if you stayed around too long afterwards.

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I once had a colleague who decided to take a job in his native Sweden, so we gave him a great going away party and then he decided to stay put. Still, we all got to enjoy the party.

Maybe schedule something every 5 years as a celebration of keeping up their longest streak to date of not dying.

I’m thinking now about how we don’t celebrate not dying as much as we should. Sure, there’s birthdays, but that’s not the same as celebrating not dying.

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That's exactly why I write a love letter to my life every month on my "death day" ... the 17th of each month since my birth date is the 17th. This last one was #72. I wondered when I began just how many letters I would be able to write. I still wonder.

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"You must go beyond all that you see behind you or ahead of you by going beyond yourself."

Attar 13th century 🌿

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