Joyce, I see two huge opportunities here for you. #1, you should totally be in charge of Substack branded images 😂 First, that crazy hair doll with the bikini top and now the iceberg with a flag? Brilliant!

#2, Why not explore making these books FOR people? I bet they'd love to have their own but don't want to mess with the creative process. About 50% of my clients pay me to do my work simply because they don't feel like it or don't care to learn!

Just a thought.

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Kristi ... great ideas ... I've had some thoughts along those lines ... but I haven't been inundated with response so I don't know if there is interest out there. Maybe over time. It is fun planting the Substack logo in various places. ;-)

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Well, maybe people don't know they want this yet! Maybe it's up to you to make them want it 😁

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I think that's probably the case. I'm going to just keep making and sharing them.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Joyce Wycoff

Thanks so much for this, Joyce. I loved reading about your process of how you got into flipbooks, and the making of them - what inspires and motivates you, and the invitation for us to imagine how we might use flipbooks in order to share our works or our loves/passions, even causes. This can be done on substack or on a smaller scale of just for family and close friends. I might try, next winter, to put together a flipbook. Right now I don't have the money for monthly paid subscriptions due to being sole caregiver for an old sick cat - and poor. So - no Issu for me; not this year. I'd be more inclined to subscribe to your substack. But you ignited my imagination and inspiration with this post - as so many of your posts do. Your corona wisdom book is beautiful - I loved reading the poem, the Rumi quote, and seeing what images you put with them. (i have to keep correcting typos that come from tiredness and going too fast.)

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When you get around to wanting to make a flipbook, let me know and we’ll brainstorm possibilities. I know Issuu will do a 30-day free trial that might help.

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that would be so great. I'd love that!

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