I began by signing up for a number of writers, but found myself spending instead of earning on Substack, lol. So I pulled back a bit and adjusted my expectations. Recently I have exchanged subscriptions with my favorite writers and I pay for a few working within my budget. I subscribe to Joyce of course!!! Also Sarah Fay for her tutoring. I also subscribe to Karen Davis' Life in the Real World https://karendavis.substack.com/ because her photos and writing bring me a sense of calm. I have about four people in the wings that I'd like to support.

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"bring me a sense of calm" ... that's a big one especiallly in today's world.

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Yes, it's what I hope to offer my readers.

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I also pay for Writer’s at Work by Sarah Fay because I value her workshops. I also pay for The Books That Made Us. I’ve paid for a few fitness and exercise Substacks. I plan to add a payment portal sometime in 2024, giving myself time to get more subscribers and create a following.

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"fitness and exercise" ... great value to look for ... I assume there are a lot of Substacks in this area ... what makes you choose one over the other.

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I like the technical information up to a point. I'm a trainer, so I understand a lot of it, but often the posts become too scientific. I also look for something entertaining, which in the health and fitness field isn't easy to find. But this is also why, in my posts, I argue with a made-up character I call Mr. Skeptical to keep things interesting.

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I read (quickly) some of your work and noticed Mr. Skeptical and wondered if he was a character. You might flesh him out a bit to make sure readers know he's an alter-ego or whatever. I like the idea and think you could have fun with it.

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Thank you! Will keep your advice in mind. It certainly is fun!

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It's gptta be fun!

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My paid Substacks follow my friendship.

I pay for Joyce Wycoff's pages as a friendship exchange and am fortunate she has blossomed into a Substack friend with value added benefits. I pay for Sara Fay based on my interest in paid subscribers and as a companion to Joyce in this process.

My process is, 'like, restack, comment' and then consider parting with my coins.

This week I may learn how to Search.

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Yesterday, I paid subscribed to Safar Fiertze's, The Fiertzeside, because of her use of metaphor in introducing the idea that Substack is a gift economy (actually a hybrid but more about that later.

I also pay for Mike Sowden's "Everything is Amazing" because he scratches my curiosity itch so beautifully.

And for Russell Nohelty's "The Author Stack" because he writes such informative LONG posts about being more successful on Substack.

And Saray Fay's "Writers at Work" because she provides valuable workshops and helped me clarify what I wanted to write about.

there are more ... but later.

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What is a restack and how does one do it?

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Lora ... thanks for acting ... it is extremely simplle ... and powerful. At the bottom of every post email you receive are 3 words and 3 icons ... like with a heart; Comment with a comic bubble, and Restack with 2 arrows making a circle. When you push the Restack icon, it copies that post to Notes so everyone on Notes can see it. You can do the same with a comment and it will go to Notes. The third option you will see is Restack with a note .... this allows you to add a comment with what you are restacking.

I hope this helps ... would be easier if I could add a screen shot. Let me know if you're still unclear and we'll go to notes so I can use images. joyce

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Author

More ... just as important as how to Restack is why. Mainly to appreciate something in a post, whether it's your post or someone else's. Let's say you read someone's post and particularly love a quote in it. You might "like" it and then want to share it with everyone on Notes. So you would press Restack and then add the quote in your note. To make sure the author of the post sees your comment, you would put @authorname at the beginning of your note. Example: @loraarbrador. Now everyone on Notes sees the author you're highlighting, but they also see you as a generous member of the community. This is how we start to meet each other and make friends.

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Thank you Joyce! So helpful! One question: I notice that some people use their name for their substack, ex: janesmith.substack.com while others use the title of their publication ex: lucid@substack.com. So...when you do an "@" would it be the writer's name or the name of their substack publication. And which is preferable in terms of naming. I've noticed that people with complicated names tend to opt for using their publication's name but most people opt for their own name. Thoughts?

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Lora ... good observation. You have to play with it ... when you hit the right one, Substack will fill in the rest ... sometimes I have to go to search to find the exact hit. I'm not sure there is an official "preferable" ... mine is name but I think you hit the issue ... what's easier name or title.

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Joyce, Thanks for confirming my hunch. I'm thinking maybe I should switch to my name for discoverability. Anyway, good to know I can change it when I want to. And thanks for subscribing! Keep up the good work. i am grateful!

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