I love the game of Life Bingo idea Joyce, thank you. It's a fun way to look at the curve balls we get thrown. Also, thanks for the headline analyzer comparison, I'm going to try putting a couple headlines in each and see what I get.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Joyce Wycoff

this is really a cool idea! How do you set up your board so you arrange the wanted, the not wanted, and the surprises? I probably won't do it but recently i got a surprise or combo of 'not wanted' surprises, and have got a gift from it/them. One of these things is, my car broke. which means I cannot get my cat to the mainland for a vet visit and the blood work he needs. He is old, sick, and my raison d'etre. So it's painful to not be able to provide what he needs and have to rely on what is available and what i CAN do. That's just one of several don't wants that came all at once.

From this:

1) I'm powerless to control situations like this so i may as well do what the Universe is asking... slow down. Relax. Put down the damn ball that is way too heavy and stop hurting myself with the striving

2) I have so many fears. And I have trouble facing them. Sometimes it takes days/weeks/months even to do the simplest 'next step.' I'm seeing how crippled with fear I am. I am not having many successes with this. I'm trying to be my own auto mechanic for the simplest things, with arthritic hands and minor disasters - which feel major because it's all so new. STarting antything creative scares me to death so I avoid even starting, and miss out on many opportunities because of that.

3) Everything takes many times longer to do with no vehicle when one depends on one - sometimes a curse and sometimes a blessing... But there are benefits in that. I have to walk more. I literally almost NEVER walked, not even a 10 min. walk to the store. I have bum hips, back, and feet and I'm overweight be a lot. It hurts. But it will hurt less I hope in time. and like any meditation, i have times of clarity, energy, gratitude, perseverance. The weather is good so walking more is being OK.

4) I'm learning how to ask for or let help come when it comes unannounced (a surprise gift from the Universe.)

5) One gets used to things that seem hard and then they seem not quite so hard, at least on some days. On bad days, I can take a break - that is called self care. Being not in a vehicle means I meet people on the street, have conversations with strangers and acquaintances, do more out in the world because I can't rely on having the car and don't know if it's fixable and what I'll do if not. I am poor. Buying another is out of the question. It's so interesting to see the difference between what the mind says I can't do without and what i can do without. And the gifts of being more open, out in the weather, more vulnerable, and by necessity, more approachable.

6) Independence is also an illusion. Interdependence is becoming more and more the reality, even though as a formerly 'independent' person I fight it. I LIKE being alone - am basically a hermit. I also like the surprises of connections and the serendipitous happy things that come from people watching and just enjoying humanity enjoying itself.

Don't know where I'd put all this on my bingo card. I'm not used to journaling, setting goals, or doing anything but whatever the moment brings. but as you said, it's a mixed bag and the surprises are there. The things i get that would be on the 'want' list (if i even know what those wants were) end up being the surprises that show me the Universe is alive and trying to help us.

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BB ... You could put all of this into a journal and reflect on it forever. For someone "not used to journaling," you're a master.

As for the. bingo card ... it's your card, do it your way. Maybe every square is something that surprises you ... ? Life will supply the surprises ... you just get to notice and live through them.

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Jun 26Liked by Joyce Wycoff

Joyce, your mind is an exciting place. You generate ideas like few others--and you act on them. I'm impressed...again! Thanks for sharing.

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Oh, Becky … you make me smile … and hope to see you at Bingo night.

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I'm such the game player that I'm very tempted to try this. It will depend on my day today and whether it goes one way or the other. I'm supposed to play MahJongg (another favorite game) this afternoon, but I may be heading for the second time this week to collect apricots. If I have time I'll prepare the Bingo board and keep you posted. Fun idea, Joyce, thanks!!!

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Look forward to seeing what comes out of it for you And I love Mahjongg … at least the electronic version that I used to play obsessively years ago.

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I play with a group of wonderful

women in the area. It’s such fun!!!

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Do you know that I've started a folder of your Substack art and eventually we'll be having a gallery night with it? 😁

Thanks for explaining your bingo card. At first glance I thought the letters were compass directions and I was super confused.

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BTW … your enthusiasm is encouraging to find more ways to incorporate the Substack logo. ;-)

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If you do, I'll keep adding them to my album 😁

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Maybe there's a collaboration here a'borning...

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Oh wow! A gallery show ... how fun ... might even be a bingo square. And thanks for your initial interpretation ... it's always interesting to know people's first thoughts.

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BTW, I also just noticed the name change - Wild Beauty. It's happening!

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Yes … all but that email thing … so I feel like a butterfly half out of the cocoon. I know I’ll be stronger if I figure out the rest … but really wish some Substack wizard would come along and say, “here, honey, let me help you …” Or… maybe life in limbo is just fine.

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Did you send a request to Substack help by chance?

Or, if you post the specific issue in a note maybe someone will have an answer. Tag me in it and I will help circulate it so we can figure it out!

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Thanks, Kristi … I’m thinking if I just get an email that I want to use, it may solve the whole problem.

I’m going to give myself another week or so to see if I fix that problem. I’d rather sit on an anthill than address this problem … but … …

thanks for the suggestion, it moved the needle a little. ;-)

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Stay away from anthills!!!! 😂😂😂

I usually say, "I'd rather stab myself with a dull butter knife."

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